9 Incredible AI Apps That Transformed My Daily Routine

In the evolving landscape of AI technology, there is a divide among people in 2024 regarding its impact on jobs. While some fear being replaced by AI, others, like the speaker in this video, are embracing AI tools to revolutionize their daily tasks and enhance productivity. The speaker delves into their personal experience with various … Read more

Python RAG Tutorial (with Local LLMs): AI For PDFs

The Python RAG tutorial demonstrated in the video highlights the process of implementing a Retrieval Augmented Generation application for querying PDF documents using natural language. By leveraging the power of natural language processing, users can ask questions related to board game instructions, such as building hotels in Monopoly or giving clues in CodeNames, and receive … Read more

Unlocking the Power of Generative AI: A Deep Dive into Tokens

Generative AI has become a focal point across various industries, driving discussions on its potential to reshape job markets and disrupt traditional sectors. The core of this AI revolution lies in the development of large language models (LLMs) like GPT 4, which are trained on massive datasets comprising diverse sources such as blogs, news articles, … Read more